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Flavors of Bangladesh: A Delightful Taste of Crab Curry
Crab curry is known locally as Kakra Jhol. It is one of the most favorite food dishes in the coastal and riverine parts of...
Travel Guides
Healthy Life
Healthy Travel Habits: Staying Fit and Well on the Go
Travel, whether for business or leisure, may be disrupting routine and challenging to physical and mental well-being. But with a little planning and mindfulness,...
The Accent Color This Spring: A Fresh Burst of Vibrancy
As the chill of winter slowly works its way out, spring bursts in to bring renewal, growth, and vibrant hues in its wake. Fashion...
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Food and Culinery
The No Sugar Challenge That Almost Broke Me
The no-sugar challenge was to be an easy self-improvement project. I had read so much about its benefits like weight loss, clearer skin, and...
The Dubai Food Festival Experience
What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...
The Iconic Taste of Bogura Curd: A Sweet Legacy of Tradition
Bogurar doi, also known as curd originating from Bogura, holds a pride of place in the culinary and cultural identities of Bangladesh. Originating from...
Delightful barbeque on a chilly evening
Smoky flavour, burnt texture, charred finish, scorched surface, yet soft insides. Whether grilled in a large earthen oven, on an open fire or a...
Seafood Adventures: Dive Into These Irresistible Recipes
Venue, Food and Styling: Mermaid Beach Resort
Dive into the world of seafood cuisine with BBQ pomfret, red snapper, assorted seafood pasta, and creamy...